The lily is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants which yield distinctive, large flowers. There are 2 types of lily, asiatic and oriental, it is the oriental variety that gives off the famously strong fragrance. Asiatic lilies generally have little or no fragrance in their blooms. Both types grow greatly in height, some up till 180cm tall.
The flowers are large, often fragrant, and come in a wide range of colors including whites, yellows, oranges, pinks, reds and purples.
In caring for cut lily stalks, it is important to note not to cut more than a third of the stem as it can reduce its longevity. Also do remove the pollen within the flower by cutting off the stamen, as any pollen that falls onto the petals will eat away the delicate parts of the flower.
Small - 3 stalks
Standard - 6 stalks
Large - 12 stalks
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